About Us /

Below you can find more information about our company

Our Mission

Ekasi Security Solutions is a developing company which strive to be the best service provider in the security industry. It boost an array of selected services which experienced researchers have developed to enhance the performance of security officers in general and the company in particular?

Our Vision

South Africa has a complex community comprising of different people with different cultures and values which then bears sophisticated criminal methodology. This prompted Ekasi Security Solutions to embark on a criminology research methodology to ensure that its staff members are kept abreast with the dynamic Modus Operands which are being employed by daring criminals. Ekasi is striving to be the leading security company in using sophisticated methods in crime prevention through education and proactive participation.

Why Choose Us

Ekasi Security Solutions aims to achieve the following:-

• To provide our clients with informed security decision with the available technology.
• To render satisfactory quality service to the security industry as a whole.
• To set superior standards in the security industry by educating and training staff.
• To enhance and boost reliability and trust in the now frail security industry in South Africa.
• To provide financial stability and job security to its employees.

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